Thursday, January 13, 2011

"it ok mommy"

This morning I went in to wake Maddux up for school (at 9:05!!). He was completely incoherent when I went to lay Reese down on his bed. Then I notice, on the top of his comforter, a giant wet circle. Ew. "Uh oh, Maddux, did you have an accident??" He leaps out from under the covers and says, "it ok mommy. I got new pants" Stands up to show off the fact that he had changed his pants after peeing the bed...

As if all problems are solved by the fact he simply changed his pants and threw the nasty wet ones on the floor, then went back into a deep sleep.

If you can't tell, his waist is in a leg hole and the top of the shorts is on the right side of his hip.


Jenna Lee said...

that is seriously sooo funny!! Braxton would never, he would run straight to my room and cry "wet" he seems like such a sweet boy!!

Beth Curtis said...

oh my goodness! That is the cutest!

Heidi said...

oh, what a great helper!! so he wears undies to bed at night, the whole night??? that is very impressive. i still put a diaper on christian because he doesn't wake up dry. you are way ahead of the game lady! :)