I don't even know where to start! I have so many pictures, so be prepared for a LONG post!
Desert Breeze ParkFirst off, Amber, Tyler, Brooklyn and Boston came out and spent a week in "Zona" since the cruise got postponed. We had a ton of fun and a week went by WAY too fast!
One of our fun days was at Desert Breeze Park in Chandler....

Daddy playing with Maddux in the splash pad

Grandma and Bop Bop with Maddux

Daddy and Maddux watching the birds
UtahOur next adventure so far this summer was driving to Utah with Kasey and Joel to visit the boys family! It was a really long drive but Maddux did great on his first road trip. We still haven't been able to get him back to his normal sleeping schedule (poor me!!!!!) but we had a lot of fun visiting everyone!
Here is Maddux is Grandma & Grandpa Tattersall's high chair.

Maddux got to meet his second cousin, Ethan. They look so much alike and are only a couple of months apart. They had a lot of fun "playing" with each other on the ground. They are both super happy and smiley babies, it was fun to watch.

Grandpa Ingram holding Maddux for the first time. We visited Grandma Ingram in the hospital. I know she is going to kill me for posting this picture because I promised her that I wouldn't, but Maddux just loved her and we want to remember it always!

We also had a big gathering of the Tattersall side of the family (Drew's grandparents on his mom's side). Tons of food and TONS of kids!!! We never got a big group picture, which I am really sad about, but there were just too many people there.
Grandma Tattersall with Maddux

This is another one of Maddux's second cousins, Eli. I think they look so much alike too! It was hard to get a good picture of the two of them because Maddux kept rolling on TOP of Eli everytime I would snap the picture, so this is as good as I got!

Every time Drew and I make the drive to Utah we try to cram it into a 3 day weekend. When we get back we ALWAYS say, "we are never doing that again!". Well, we did it again and it was actually a lot of fun and I'm so glad we went. Thank you to Kasey and Joel for inviting us and driving! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for letting us stay at your house and for
ALL the yummy food! By the way, I lucked out and only had to drive for 3 hours on the way there. I think the rest of the passengers were a little annoyed at my NON-speeding driving technique and offered to not make me drive again! Darn!
5 Months already!Maddux turned five months a few days ago. I don't have any brand new pictures because I left my camera in Kasey and Joel's car from our trip. But..I have a few videos from this week that I love. The quality is awful because they are taken on my cell phone. sorry!