Sunday, November 30, 2008

11 months...

Maddux hit the 11 month mark yesterday! He's only a month away from his big birthday bash! :) He currently weighs in at 21 pounds and is about 28.5 inches long. He has learned a few new dance moves, waves hi to anyone and everyone, pulls toward and wants to be held by random strangers standing behind us in line at the store, makes the funniest faces, is a roaming tornado destroying everything in his path, learns new fun tricks all the time and never ceases to amaze drew and me by what he can learn so fast! He is so much fun and I can't wait for this holiday season with our fun little guy!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Today was a fun and low-key Thanksgiving. Kasey and I got up and ran the Mesa Turkey Trot 10K. I wasn't going to do it since I've been so sick lately, but Kasey wasn't going to let that fly! I'm glad I did it because it was a lot of fun even if it wasn't my best time.
Drew, Joel, Tyler, and My Dad all went out and shot their guns. They had 9 guns between the four of them and Drew was in heaven. It sounds like they all had fun even though it was raining and my dad's Cayenne almost got stuck. I can't believe he took it into the mud in the first place!! wow!

After we got all showered up and headed over to my mom and dad's house. We tried something new and fun this year. Each member of the family had to choose a side dish that reminds them of growing up. It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving related at all, but then each person was responsible for making that dish. We had quite an array of food. Turkey, Mac N Cheese (Amber), Mashed potatoes (Drew), sweet carrots (Tyler), Stuffing (Joel), Rolls (Kasey), Deviled Eggs (Me), Olives (my dad), and jello (also Amber). Then each couple had to bring their favorite dessert. So we had Apple Pie (Mom and Dad), Dog Ears (Amber and Tyler), Better than Sex Cake (Kasey and Joel), and French Silk Pie (Me and Drew). We had SOOOO much food but it was all sooo yummy and a fun way to make dinner. There is a picture with all of us in the kitchen working on our dishes at the same time. My mom was the one taking pictures because she was sick all day. Poor thing was so nauteous that she couldn't even EAT! SAD!
We tried to get Maddux to take a nibble at the turkey leg, but he was less than interested...Drew and I went on a hunt for the Arizona Republic paper so we could find all the ads for Black Friday. We were unsuccessful at about 6 gas stations so I went back to the house, picked up Kasey, Amber and Brooklyn and we tried a new strategy. We drove around until we found one on someone's driveway and took it. I know...I know! We are AWFUL!!! BUT...if it's still on your driveway at 6:00pm, are you really planning on going through the ads for early morning shopping!? I think not. :) (a little justification, huh?) So us girls sat on the couch and went through all the ads picking out where the best deals are and what we are going to get. I can't wait!
This little guy had a great time playing with the whole family today....
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Now let the Christmas Season Begin!!!! =)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The flu has been on a rampage through our house these past 5 days! UGH! Maddux had it Wednesay & Thursday and is still working on recovering right now. I got hit hard Friday and Saturday (which forced me to miss my beloved TWILIGHT that I had pre-purchased tickets for-still haven't seen it) and Drew woke up this morning with it. Amber and her fam come in town tonight, so we better get healthy QUICK!

i hate the flu!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Evening In Excellence

Last night was Evening In Excellence for ourYoung Women. I can't believe it's already been a year! This whole night took a ton of work from a ton of people but it turned out so great! We turned the gym into The Eternal Gateway Mall and each of us was in charge of creating a store that corresponded with one of the YW values.

The night started out with a cute skit by the girls texting each other about going to the "new mall". Then the girls got purses and credit cards and were separated into three groups to "shop". The rotated from store to store while us leaders gave them a little five minute lesson on our store and value. Then they could purchase a little gift before they moved on. At the end, everyone gathered at the Good Works Gallery Boutique and each YW presented their 10 hour project and posterboard. After presentations it was dinner at the Food Court. I think it turned out way cute, but my pictures just don't do it justice! TRUST ME!

Here are some pics of the food court (we served tacos, baked goods and punch)
Divine Nature was a beauty supply store....Faith was a shoes store...
Integrity was a Jewelry store...
Individual Works was a clothing boutique...Choice and Accountability was a Bank...
And Knowledge was a bookstore...(this one was my project)...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Big Boy Haircut

We took Maddux to Snip-its today to get his haircut. He did so great! He just sat, chewed on his toy, watched the little tv, laughed at the bubbles, and occasionally looked around to make sure the nice lady was still cutting his hair. I love his new do!
The cute girl was showing Maddux the clippers before she started using them. He wasn't too sure about it at first! =)
All done!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Does anyone have one of these I can borrow Wednesday night for Young Women's Evening in Excellence!?!? Anyone?!
Ikea Expedit bookcase

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've been getting more and more frustrated with these three people, but after last night, I wanted to SCREAM! Anyone else?!?!
(i had to steal this pic from another blog, cuz i couldn't find one of them together)

this is what has consumed the last two days of my life...
i do love these products, they make cleaning days at least SLIGHTLY more enjoyable.

If you walked into my house right now you would never be able to tell that I've been working so much because as soon as I get the floor mopped - maddux throws his lunch on it, I clean the glass and windows - instant finger prints, magic eraser to get all the smudges off the walls from maddux pushing the chairs against them- more chair pushing. get the point? I can't keep up!
So is the life of a mom though, huh?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Opinions please!?!?

Yesterday I went to a craft boutique put on by one of my friends. There were over 40 vendors with super creative ideas. One of which was this....

I think it is the greatest idea for my squirmy little 10 month old! (anyone see us in sacrament meeting today???!) I'm thinking...CHURCH! I could{hopefully} get Maddux to hold still and play with toys, eat a snack, etc during sacrament meeting. But, will this work on the metal chairs with the big hole in the back (since we can't manage to get there early enough to sit anywhere else)? We tried it out at the boutique and he just sat and played with a toy, no complaints or trying to wiggle out (shocking)!
So, here is where i need your opinion!!

I'm a little hesitant about being the only mom who has to TIE her kid down during church. Does this look torturous? Would I be given bizarre looks? Please give me your opinion and be honest. I know...I know..."who cares what people think?" right? I do! When it comes to something like this, I do and I'll admit it. So tell me what you think!

These things sell for $50 at the stores, but the gal who created these was selling them for $35 yesterday and will give me the same deal if I email her and pick it up at her house soon.
Worth it? Good Idea? Child torture?

(ps- I like the green stripe pattern)


Maddux, my mom and I went to Denver last Sunday through Wednesday to visit my sister and her cute family. We had so much fun playing with the kids and cruising around Denver. It was super relaxing and the perfect little get-a-way vacation to someplace that actually FELT like fall! I seriously lacked in my picture taking, so these are the few that I got. Thank you Amber and Tyler for having us! We miss Brookie and Bossy already!Yes...this is Amber's Christmas tree...and was only November 4th when she and my mom decorated it! I guess I'm a little jealous because now she will get to enjoy it longer! Maybe my tree will be up soon to!? :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy 5th Anniversary!!!

I just want you to know that I love you so much sweetie. My life has been awesome since I met you and I couldn't imagine what it would be like without you. You are my best friend and everything I could ask for in a wife. Happy Anniversary sweetie!!! Love, Drew