The whole fam took a trip down to Rocky Point this weekend. Mom and Dad rented an amazing beach house and Drew and I had a room with the most amazing view right out to the beach. This really had potential for being the most amazing vacation ever.
But... we arrived midday Thursday and by Friday morning I was mega sick and spent the entire day in my bed. Vacation went on without me and everyone seemed to have a great time. Saturday morning I woke up weak, but feeling SO much better. Sadly though, Drew had caught my crud. He then spent ALL day Saturday laying in bed watching the beach out the window. By late Saturday night we were both feeling pretty good and were determined that the three of us were going to wake up early and get as much fun in the sun in before we headed back to Phoenix. WRONG- Maddux woke up at 1am projectile vomiting. Yes- all over me. I changed three times and was thrown up all over three times. Anyone jealous yet? We were up for a couple of hours watching The Wiggles and calming the poor little guy down before all three of us finally fell asleep.
We did get a couple of hours of good beach time in on Sunday, which is when 99% of these pics were taken. I hate to sound like I'm complaining because even with the nastiness we had, it was an awesome vacation. Everyone had fun and I can't wait to go back!
(side note: 12 of us in one beach house, but Drew, Maddux and I were the only ones who got sick. *Phew*)
The house...

Brooklyn the Beach Babe...