It's been a month! Time is already flying too fast!
*She is finally in 0-3 onesies and even in a couple of Newborn outfits
*Still in Newborn size diapers
*This past week has been rough on her baby acne. (Maddux heard me call myself "pizza face" and lovingly repeats it, telling me that "Reese is Pizza Face -Mommy is Pizza face". Nice.)
*She is the gassiest girl I know. Poor thing cries in pain! I have recently gone off dairy and it seems to be helping. Breaks my heart (for both of us ;) )
*She is a much better sleeper than Maddux was at 1 month.
*I can still count how many times she has spit up so far, which I am soooo grateful for!
*On the flip side, I have completely lost track of how many blow-outs we have had. Gross.
*She loves to stare at the blinds
*She loves her pacifier, but can't keep it in her mouth for long.
*Her eyes were obviously hazel when she was born and I was so disappointed. They have since changed to a dark blue. I couldn't be happier!
*Her favorite way to be held is the sitting-up-burping position.
*She melts my heart every day...Everyone was right...I DO love having a girl!