Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cool Tricks!

Maddux has refused to do this anytime anyone is around, but we caught it on tape! Have I mentioned that I LOVE this guy??


Brandis said...

Way to go Maddux! What would the world do without Letter Factory? :)

Lauren said...

You make everyone else look bad ;) I am so proud of him- little smarty pants.

Heidi said...

Wow!! What a smart guy! Way to go kiddo.

Marisa and Rob said...

Nice!!! Way to go Maddux :)

The Craigs said...

Wow! good job Maddux! Your mommy wasn't a school teacher was she.

Katie said...

That is so cute! What a smarty pants. Andrew says he can hear Drew watching baseball in the background.

Stephanie said...

Good job, Maddux! I am so impressed!!!

Beth Curtis said...

one smart little puppy! So cute!

kell-bell said...

He's such a little smartie, you're such a good mom!

The Huish House said...

I want that smart little boy in my class!

Feminem said...

Awww what a sweet, smart little guy he is!
You don't know me, I found your blog by accident and have now been frequenting it. He is so beautiful and cute. What a great little guy!

God bless him

Elise said...

He is so smart! What a cute kid-o you have!

aubry startin said...

K, so I loved watching this, so so cute

theniufamily said...

Oh my goodness! I love it! And great job on the yard. It looks soooo nice!

Ryan & Keri said...

What a smart boy! And he's so precious! I LOVE his photos! He's so beautiful, Tarah. And what transformation on your yard. It looks FABULOUS!!!

Fife Family said...

That is impressive- what a smart little boy!