Sunday, November 29, 2009

A success!!

We got Maddux a "Big Boy Bed" and tried it out for the first time last night. It was a disaster, to say the least. Nap time today presented similar problems. Third times a charm, right? YES! We put him down for bed tonight and to be honest, we forgot about was silent. When we went in to peek, this is how we found him...
I'm not getting TOO excited, because heaven knows how tomorrow will go!
But I do think he looks dang cute!


Brandis said...

Hooray for the big kid bed! I hope his transition goes smoothly. :)

Stephanie said...

That's awesome! Good job. He looks so grown up!

Lauren said...

He's so big!

Amber said...

. . . and that's why Eli will be in a crib for as loooooong as possible! I hate that transition more than potty training!