Here is the latest on my little buddy:
*He is a little dude. He is tall and very skinny and most of his friends (and 9 month old cousin) outweigh him.
*He loves trains, planes, cars, and motorcycles and will point them out everywhere we go.
*He knows all of his letters and the sounds they make.
*He has decided he hates eating. Mealtimes have become a bit of a nightmare.
*When he will eat, his favorite foods are quesadillas, pizza, treats (of any kind), and cheese.
*He has finally started snuggling with us a little bit. He will sit on our lap if we rub his tummy or his head.
*He still only says the first syllable of each word and speaks his own language that only Mommy and Daddy can understand. I've become quite the translator.
*He likes to dance and sing. His favorite song is "Slow Ride" and asks for it ALL the time.
*He will pee on the potty whenever we take him, but Mommy is lazy and still has diapers on him most days.
*He likes to have things put in their place and doesn't like a mess.
*He is still the absolute most active kid I've ever met.
*I think he is very smart (what parent doesn't) and he has a knack for figuring out how things work very quickly.
*He thinks the baby in my tummy is the birthmark I have next to my belly button.
*He can frustrate me to tears one second and completely melt my heart the next.